What are those little red bumps?

Little red bumps on the arms, thighs or anywhere else that look like blisters filled with blood are generally not a cause for concern. Technically called cherry angiomas, these harmless lesions are comprised of blood vessels, can range in size from a pinhead to up to a quarter-inch and can appear anywhere on the body. Their cause isn’t 100% known, but it is believed there is a genetic component, so if your parents experienced this skin condition, chances are you will, too.
Angiomas may turn purple or black (like a bruise) if traumatized, and although they are completely benign they can be removed. Depending on the size, I may use a small device called a hyfrecator that uses electricity and heat to destroy the lesion while larger angiomas may require laser treatment. Oftentimes, the lesion can be shaved or “frozen” off within seconds.
A few words to the wise… Don’t ever try to remove an angioma yourself unless you want to experience potentially profuse bleeding and probable scarring. It’s best to schedule an appointment ASAP if you have an angioma that erupts because this can be a symptom of skin cancer. Better safe than sorry, right?