Are You Seeing Post-Summer Spots?

If you spent a lot of time outdoors this summer without adequate sun protection, you may be seeing more freckles than usual. Several months of UV exposure can also lead to dark spots (that are generally larger than typical freckles), as well as patches of skin discoloration on your cheeks, forehead and/or upper lip, which could be signs of melasma. Just so you understand why this happens, too much sun exposure (and too little sunscreen) can send the skin’s pigment-producing cells into overdrive.
With fall upon us, now’s the time to get your skin back on track. You can try an at-home skin-brightening treatment (such as our Pro-Aging Drops or Advanced Brightening Pads), or incorporate retinol into your skincare routine. A series of office-based chemical peels can help minimize skin discoloration as well.
Just remember… Daily sunscreen use is the best way to maintain an even, radiant complexion, and it’s a lot easier to prevent unwanted skin discoloration than it is to correct it!