Are you at risk for melanoma?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control recently reported that melanoma rates are on the rise. This is both shocking and saddening considering we ALL have access to prevention in the form of sunscreen—but the reason we’re seeing more melanoma is because we either aren’t using sunscreen, or we aren’t using enough of it (which includes reapplying after swimming, sweating or toweling off).
Another scary statistic: The chance of dying from melanoma is higher in people of color. Darker complexions may have a higher natural SPF thanks to skin pigment, but although dark skin is less likely to experience sunburn, the DNA in the skin cells is equally as susceptible to damage. Even more, it’s harder to spot cancerous lesions on darker skin.
The takeaway here is that everyone—regardless of skin color—needs to be diligent about sun protection. When caught early, the melanoma survival rate is 97%, but this type of skin cancer spreads quickly and is much more difficult to successfully treat if it affects other organs.